Terms and Conditions

MTLOA Investments LLC considers all visitors to search through the website, provided they agree with the following terms and conditions:

  • All data found on this website is a property of MTLOA Investments LLC. Compiled data including patent, trade secret or trademark rights belongs to MTLOA Investments LLC ONLY. Any user will not be guaranteed with rights of access to any of these data. Users agree that in the case of infringement upon MTLOA Investments LLC data, the prohibition will be taken to action.

  • The user agrees that he/she is a prospective lessee or purchaser of any properties from MTLOA Investments LLC. The user agrees that any transactions or search done within the website is solely to identify which property the user finds interest in.

  • This website shall not be used for any commercial or business purposes. Selling, loaning, exchanging, or licensing is strictly prohibited for this website.

  • The laws of Kansas shall govern the Agreement presented above. Any suit to enforce this Agreement shall be taken in the state or federal courts over to Johnson County, Kansas. The user shall waive any objection to the personal jurisdiction of such courts.
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